Creating a new application

Since version 4, the creation of a new BraDypUS application can be made via graphical user interface and no further need of coding.

Hopefully this will be an important step towards a broader diffusion of the software.

Applications, or projects, live in the projects directory, manually created during the installation process. On a fresh installation the projects folder is empty and the user the visits the main page on he browser will be promped to create a new application.

screenshot Create new application prompt on a fresh installation

By clicking on the Create new application button the setup window appears.

For security reasons the Create new application button is not available on running installations that have at least one application defined. But system administrators who have access to the application folder can enable this feature by simply creating a new empty file in the installation root named exactly UNSAFE_permit_app_creation (no extension).

screenshot Create new application setup window

The following options are available:

  • Application name: required, the application unique name, only lower-case alphabetic characters allowed (regex: ^[a-z]{3,7}$)
  • Application description, required, a verbose description of the future database
  • Your email: enter your valid email address; it will be used for your login, once the application is created
  • Your password: enter a secure password; it will be used for your login, once the application is created
  • Database engine: select one from sqlite, mysql or pgsql

If the database ongin of your choise is SQLite, the setup finishes here.

But if you ar going to work with MySQL or PostgreSQL, then further information are required.

Be sure have a running MySQL or PostgreSQL service and to have already created the database for BraDypUS.
It is recommended, for security reasons, to have a single database for each application, and each database runs its own user.

The additional setting for MySQL and PostgreSQL are:

  • Database host: Host where the database is running, typically
  • Database port: Port number where database listens, typically 3306 for MySQL and 5432 for PostgreSQL
  • Database name: The name of the database that BraDypUS will use. It is a good choise to name the database after the application name, if possible.
  • Database username: The username of the database user that BraDypUS will use to connect to the database
  • Database password: The password of the database user that BraDypUS will use to connect to the database

screenshot Create new application setup window, filled up with the test data

Once the application has been created a breief report will be shown:

screenshot New application created

The test application has been created and you are now ready to log in.