Installing with the terminal and git

To install Bradypus with the terminal and git you need:

  • a connection to the Internet
  • Git
  • a terminal / command line

Typically these dependecies are met by default on Linux/Unix (included MacOS X) systems. Since the Anniversary Update also on Windows 10 it is posibble to enable the Bash shell of Ubuntu Linux.


git clone -b master --single-branch && \
cd BraDypUS && \
mkdir projects && \
php -S localhost:8000


Before installation, you want probably to check your local environment. If you already did, we are ready to go.

  1. Get files from remote repository using git
     git clone -b master --single-branch

    Git will create a new directory named BraDypUS with all the need files. In details:

    • -b master means that the master, i.e. the main branch will be retrived. Version 4 lives here.
    • --single-branch will prevent git from cloning everything, only the requeste branch will be downloaded
  2. Move inside the newly created directory named BraDypUS
     cd ../BraDypUS
  3. Make projects folder
     mkdir projects
  4. Start PHP’s web server (if no local web server is available). Done!
     php -S localhost:8000

    To stop the PHP’s web server type CRL+C.

Now you are ready to create your first web database application. Open the browser and go to: http://localhost:8000/


By removing the BraDypus directory created by the git command will remove all the installed packages. Bradypus will not copy or install files in your system.

Verify the local environment

Check if php is installed. Open a terminal and type:

php -v

You should see something like (version might be different, but please make sure it is equalror bigger than 7.0):

PHP 7.3.11 (cli) (built: Feb 29 2020 02:50:36) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.3.11, Copyright (c) 1998-2018 Zend Technologies

Check if php_pdo for sqlite is available

php -i | grep pdo_sqlite 

You should read something like:


If you are going to use MySQL or PostgreSQL, you could test using:

php -i | grep pdo_mysql 


php -i | grep pdo_pgsql 

Check if git is available

git --version

You should read something like:

git version 2.24.2 (Apple Git-127)