Some advices and hacks

Follow here some advices regarding the configuration of the database that might help in solving practical issues. Please feel free to contribute, and to share your experience.

ID field

As already reported multiple times each table of a Bradypus application, be it a system table, a plugin or a data table has a special column named always id which acts as the Primary Key. Its compilation is entrusted to the database engine, and the user should never interfere.

It is thus warmly recommended to set the readonly setting to 1, and if its value is not important to the general usage of the database, from the users point of view, also set hide to 1. This will avoid unpleasant errors on data entry.


The same can be said for column creator, as well, which is available only in data tables and not in plugin or system tables.

Adding a Last edited field

It is easy to add and configure a field wich holds the timestamp of the latest edit. Just add a field named lastedit (or whatever name you prefer) with the following setting:

  • def_value: %today%
  • force_default: 1
  • readonly: 1

Or optionally:

  • hide: 1

Adding a Last edited by field

It is easy to add and configure a field wich holds the id of the latest user who edited it. Just add a field named lasteditby (or whatever name you prefer) with the following setting:

  • def_value: %current_user%
  • force_default: 1
  • readonly: 1

Or optionally:

  • hide: 1